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The original reason for getting my own domain name was to get a consistent e-mail address. My e-mail address had changed 3 times in less than two years. And anyone that has had an e-mail address change (when it was not your choice) knows the pain it is... You have to let all your friends know, you have to let all the websites that track you know, you have to let all the software companies you registered your products with know, and so on, and so on ....enough of that hassle! I bought my name, as a domain, and stabilized my e-mail address.

Since I paid for the domain name I decided to use it for more than just e-mail. As a career I am a youth pastor at the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene in Quincy, Massachusetts. In an attempted to get better networked with other youth leaders and friends I decided to use this site as a way for people to keep in touch with what I am doing and to be able to share ideas and concepts with each other.

While I am a Christian that runs this web site this site is not about pushing Christianity. It is not about trying to prove my denomination is best (we are all brothers and sisters in Christ... we're all on the same team.) And lastly it's not intended to be some huge resource center for people to check out all the time. It's just a personal website about me and what I do as a youth pastor. I know that seems a little self-centered but the intention isn't to show-off what I do, but to share what I do.

On that note, I should also add that much of what I do I could not do if it wasn't for the help I receive from my wife, Jill. She has a full time job and is a full time volunteer leader. I guess this site is more about what we can accomplish as a team - and to share that information.

If you're interested in Christianity I would be happy to share with you what I know. (I'm not a theologian and I'm not interested in debating different points of Christianity) But I'd love to share with anyone what God has done for me.

If you're interested in the Nazarene denomination then check out www.nazarene.org which is the denominational website.

If you're interested in some huge website with tons of resources for youth workers than a great place to check out is Youth Specialties.

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